DAHA accreditation is the UK benchmark for how housing providers should respond to domestic abuse in the UK. We are the only project in the UK offering a domestic abuse accreditation for the housing sector. DAHA accreditation is recognised in the government's Ending Violence against Women and Girls Strategy: 2016 to 2020. By becoming DAHA accredited, housing providers and services are taking a stand to ensure they deliver safe and effective responses to domestic abuse. 

Our accreditation framework includes 8 priority areas that considers an organisation's operations and delivers safe and effective interventions in domestic abuse.

It builds in processes that help guide staff to adequately address the needs of survivors and hold abusers to account.

In order to access our Accreditation and the support from our Regional Leads you need to sign up as a DAHA Member - Learn more about DAHA Membership here

"DAHA Accreditation is designed as universal protection, not as a targeted service, it is designed to be present everywhere because it might be needed anywhere. DAHA Accreditation is also designed as a preventative system in and of itself, it is designed to work within a WHA framework, to detect domestic abuse and help deliver the right response" 

(York University Interim Evaluation)



  • "A huge eye-opener"

    "The process of achieving DAHA accreditation was a huge eye-opener for us at Women’s Pioneer and has enabled us to embed domestic abuse as a key concern for all staff. As London’s largest specialist housing association for women, we are proud to have been one of the first providers to have been accredited, and maintaining our accreditation is an essential part of our vision to make a positive difference to women’s lives."

    Women's Pioneer Housing

  • "Customer satisfaction is now 90%"

    "Obtaining the DAHA accreditation helped to change the provision of services for people fleeing Domestic Abuse 100% and the culture of the service. We became the first Housing Solutions/Housing Needs service in England to obtain the DAHA accreditation and we would strongly recommend the DAHA accreditation to all 326 councils across England. Customer satisfaction is now 90% from the 30,000 households who visit the Housing Solutions service each year and this is as a result of the change in service provision following the DAHA accreditation."

    Southwark Council

  • "All staff are equipped to provide excellent services to survivors"

    "Hull City Council Neighbourhoods and Housing were delighted to achieve DAHA accreditation in 2019. It created fresh momentum to tackle the issue of domestic abuse across the service, allowing us to focus on ensuring that all staff are equipped to provide excellent services to survivors. Front line staff are extremely proud of our accreditation and we believe that external endorsement of our approach has set a new, higher standard that staff strive to achieve in their day to day work."

    Hull City Council

  • "Well paced and interactive"

    "Well paced and interactive. The speaking, group work and videos are well balanced and effective."

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "Excellent trainer"

    "Excellent trainer clear and calm for difficult subject"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "Kept me focused"

    "[The trainer] Kept me focused which is a difficult task when training remotely - thank you. Looking forward to further training"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "Fantastic "

    "Fantastic - trainer had a very gentle intuitive approach"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "enjoyed how it was interactive"

    "I found the session really interesting and enjoyed how it was interactive"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • " I engaged more due to Menti[meter] "

    "The speed/timing of the training was excellent. Very clear and concise. I felt using Menti[meter] was really useful and a better way of engaging with the training without the fear of talking in a large group - which can cause people to feel anxious - I engaged more due to Menti[meter]"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "Impressed with the content of the course "

    "I have been really impressed with the content of the course and the presentation it was interesting, well timed and very useful"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "Made me think"

    "Amazing, really interesting and made me think"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "Excellent"

    "Excellent, [a] good choice of presentation methods"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "It should be rolled out to all new starters"

    "I have only been in this role for [a few] months, it has really opened my eyes on what to look for and how to approach, was even able to put into practice and offer support to a survivor of coercive control, which I had never heard of before this course. It should be rolled out to all new starters."

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "I don't think I’ve been so vocal in breakout rooms before."

    "I really got engaged with the subject matter. The session was put together very well and I felt comfortable with the text and the trainer. I don't think I’ve been so vocal in breakout rooms before. Looking forward to the next session."

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "one of the best"

    "Good interactive session. Enjoyed the chats in the breakout rooms and the videos used. Have been on several DV training before and this was one of the best."

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "very helpful information"

    "Was very helpful information and I can use on my day to day job duties."

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "trainer was extremely knowledgeable"

    "The trainer was extremely knowledgeable, and the resources material was appropriate and thought-provoking"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate

  • "opportunity for everyone to be involved"

    "[Mentimeter] is a brilliant way to interact in the training sessions, and an opportunity for everyone to be involved"

    Early Identification Training Course Delegate