Guidance & resources

Developing an effective sanctuary scheme 

Whole Housing Approach Pilot Reports

  • Whole Housing Approach guide (Standing Together, 2020)
  • Whole Housing Approach, Year 1 report (DAHA, 2020)
  • Whole Housing Approach, Year 2 Report (DAHA, 2021)
    • The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) funded this initial WHA pilot project for a total of 30 months from October 2018 to March 2021. This was delivered across partner pilot sites, including Stockton-on-Tees, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and three London councils, including Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Westminster. The Year One and Year Two Reports outline the project aims and key delivery outcomes within the pilot sites. The Year Two report also  reflects on the impact of the changes through the Domestic Abuse Act, including Part 4, which places at statutory duty on tier one local authorities to provide support within safe accommodation for adult and child survivors of domestic abuse.
  • Whole Housing Approach Toolkit dissemination event recording (WHA Project, 2020) 
    • On the 5th November, the Whole Housing Approach (WHA) project team shared findings from the first year of our pilot project and showcased best practice developed. We introduced the Whole Housing Approach Toolkit which is a tool designed to help local areas implement the approach.

Domestic Abuse and Housing Operational Group Guidance & Resources

Implementing Part 4 using a Whole Housing Approach 

  • Part 4:The Whole Housing Approach Strategy Template/Guidance (ST/DAHA, 2021) 
    • Standing Together and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) have put together a suggested template for local authorities to use when drafting their strategy in response to their Part 4 Statutory Duty to provide support within safe accommodation under the Domestic Abuse Act. It is based on the Strategy developed by Nottingham City Council, with the support of Val Lunn, who kindly gave Standing Together permission and support to use as the basis of this template. It enables local authorities to draft a strategy within a Whole Housing Approach framework, which considers the diverse safety and housing needs of victims and survivors of domestic abuse across all housing settings and tenure types. If you are interested in speaking to the WHA team about your local authority’s WHA strategy, please contact


LockedOut: Barriers to housing for people facing social injustice (Commonweal Housing, 2020)

  • Rebecca Vagi, Programme Manager for Whole Housing, Elizabeth Jones, Whole Housing Coordinator and Kelly Henderson, a co-founder of the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) contributed a chapter to this anthology, titled - Safe and stable housing: A key to access to justice for survivors of domestic abuse

LockedOut podcast episode: Why stable housing is vital for survivors of VAWG(Commonweal Housing, 2020)

  • This podcast accompanied the LockedOut anthology and features a segment from DAHA's Rebecca Vagi.