If you are experiencing domestic abuse...

We work with housing organisations to improve how they deliver their services and do not offer direct support to people living with domestic abuse.
  1. If you need advice or help, please contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 08082000247. They are experiencing a higher call volume than usual so if you don’t get through, please keep trying.
  2. Alternatively, you can fill out an online form and request a call back.
  3. You can also look up your local domestic abuse through this website.
  4. If you’re in immediate danger, please call 999.

The police are offering a Silent Solution in case it’s not safe for you to talk to the police. When you call 999 on your mobile, the operator will ask which emergency service is required. If you cannot say ‘police’ or ‘ambulance’, you will be transferred to the Silent Solution system. You will then hear an automated message which will ask you to press 55. If you press 55 your call will be transferred to your local police force. This does depend on being able to trace your location so keeping your phone on for as long as possible will help with this.

If you work for a housing organisation, provider or local authority...

Please email us on daha_team@standingtogether.org.uk